Donohue, Themak & Miller is fluent in everything from zoning and permitting to leasing, litigation and FCC regulations to support carriers in keeping their subscribers on the air.
As 3G graduates to 4G, subscribers are requiring higher volume access in more places and demands on current wireless infrastructure continue to grow.
Land Use
Regionally, Donohue, Themak & Miller works with local zoning boards, commissions, panels and regulatory officials to secure entitlement approvals.

Donohue, Themak & Miller has extensive experience helping tower and DAS builders successfully install and deploy transmitters and antennas in Northern Virginia, Washington, DC, and Maryland. Nationally, Donohue, Themak & Miller manages commercial leasing for DAS build-outs.
Donohue, Themak & Miller has a wealth of experience handling land use matters related to telecommunications facilities deployment. This includes assisting carriers and installation contractors with obtaining approvals, rights-of-way agreements, easements, siting wireless antennas and towers, placing utility poles, securing permits for construction projects, negotiating pole attachment agreements, and assisting clients with environmental compliance and review issues at both the state and federal levels.
The attorneys at Donohue, Themak & Miller helped write the rules - they know what can be done, and how to make it happen.
As the wireless demand and need for additional towers has increased, many local jurisdictions have tightened regulations related to how and where infrastructure is installed.
As local ordinances cannot preclude wireless service, common objections to infrastructure development include health, safety, property value, aesthetics, and the availability and accessibility of existing infrastructure.
As preeminent attorneys in the metropolitan area, the attorneys at Donohue, Themak & Miller have collaborated with local jurisdictions as they have drafted or amended telecommunications ordinances.
This in-depth knowledge of both the spirit and the letter of the law enables Donohue, Themak & Miller to quickly identify relevant issues and understand where to focus their efforts on clients' behalf.
Because of Donohue, Themak & Miller tenure in telecommunications land use in the metropolitan Washington area, we have hands-on “climbing-the-ladder” knowledge of many of the existing and potential sites in the area.
By understanding the regulations, the existing infrastructure sites, and the political climate in local jurisdictions, Donohue, Themak & Miller can work with clients to develop successful strategies. We understand where we might be able to expect flexibility and where we will not.

Donohue, Themak & Miller works with clients and local communities to ensure that infrastructure can be expanded, satisfying consumer demand.
Thorough and creative are essential components of success in litigation.

In addition to representing carriers, tower and site acquisition companies, Donohue, Themak & Miller also represented PCIA in the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and argued on behalf of PCIA and Sprint as amicus curia in 2006.
Communications Law
When it comes to the FCC, Donohue, Themak & Miller leverages their advantage of being in the Washington, DC, area.

Not only do they know the rules, regulations, and applicable laws, they also know the names and the faces inside the FCC.
Donohue, Themak & Miller also helps telecommunications clients negotiate Federal Communications Commission Law. We have successfully represented clients, including PCIA, before the FCC on regulatory compliance and enforcement matters. As counsel to PCIA—the Wireless Infrastructure Association and as Founders of The DAS Forum, we are often called on to be advocates for the wireless and tower industries at the FCC.